An Evening with Bill Jackson

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An Evening with Bill Jackson
Museum of Broadcast Communications

Wednesday, April 5, 1995

I had heard about this evening in the paper a few weeks before, and I knew that I HAD to be there. No one had contacted me ahead of time, but there were a whole group of former co-workers that had gotten together with Bill prior to the event and sat in the front two rows of the auditorium. I sat dead center right behind them. 

The auditorium was packed, and they needed an overflow room. Everyone had come to see BJ. And Bill did not disappoint. There was the retrospective of his career, complete with clips from Cartoon Town and Gigglesnort Hotel, but there was also Bill - he drew on his easel, he worked with Blob, he took questions from the audience.

And that's when I had finally knew what had happened. I was no inexplicably tied to the history of children's television in Chicago. The people in the room went on, at length, about how Bill changed not only children's TV in Chicago, but the lives of his audience. And they were all here to tell him that. 

And as I sat there, I knew that my little bit part of those shows was part of it. The experience changed me - I wasn't the same for months. I knew that I was part of something special, I just didn't really know how special. I do now.

At the end of the presentation, Bill donated his puppets to the museum, where they are still on display today.

I had the opportunityto briefly talk to Bill in an autograph line at the end of the night. Bill had no idea was there and he seemed excited to see me (which just pushed me over the edge on how wonderful the evening was).

That was the last time I saw him. I hope he is still well.



Gallery Thumbnail Display


The photos in this gallery start with an event - "An Evening with Bill Jackson" at the Museum of Broadcast Communications. At the event, bill donated "his children" to the museum. The rest of the photos are from the display of the characters at the museum.

To view a larger version of the photograph, please click on the thumbnail.

Bill drawing Bullwinkle Bill on stage Bill talking to the audience Bill talking to the audience Blob makes his appearance Blob in transformation The characters come home Invited Guests to tonight's event Wally Goodscout Maynard Thumptwanger Weird Mother Plumtree Mother Plumtree Dirty Dragon and Bill The Old Professor Sign above the display cabinet The Gigglesnort Hotel Guestbook Recipes Lemon Dirty Dragon The Old Professor Clown Alley The Bill Jackson Puppets Cartoon Town The Bill Jackson Puppets The sign on the cabinet Wally, Maynard and Weird The Old Professor, Dirty and Mother Plumtree

Interested in videotapes of Gigglesnort Hotel? Be sure to visit Bill Jackson's website -!


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